Moving can lead to new, exciting possibilities, but it also means leaving behind the people and places you love. While some sentimental items can be taken to your new place, many memories just aren’t transportable. To ensure your treasured belongings arrive safely to your new home, be prepared with these stress-free tips.
1. Make Room for New Memories
Taking every item of sentimental value with you to your new home is not always possible. Moving is the perfect opportunity to organize and purge items you don’t need or won’t use in your new residence. To lessen the load on moving day, hold a garage sale or donate unwanted items to a local charity. If you’re trying to sell your current home, the less clutter the better.
Once you’ve determined which objects will make the move, decide where they’ll go in your new place. Make the unpacking process simpler by creating a plan for your new space in advance and pack according to where things will go, not by where they’ve been.
2. Organize, Don’t Agonize
Starting the process early can help avoid stressful last-minute packing, and give you time to be a bit nostalgic. Before you begin boxing things up, take videos and photos of each room to preserve your memories of that space. Don’t forget to include outdoor areas like a backyard tree house or handprints in the patio cement.
Then, make a checklist of everything you need to accomplish before moving – packing, cleaning, cancelling and restarting utilities, registering the kids for school – and set a timeline for completing each step. Once you’re ready to start packing, work room by room to make the task seem more manageable. Start with decorative pieces that you can go without for a month or so, and save all the daily essentials for last.
Put together an “open me first” box with the gear you’ll need immediately, such as tools to assemble furniture, cleaning supplies and shelf liner for drawers, closets and kitchen cabinets.
3. Protect Delicate Possessions
To ensure your belongings arrive safely, it’s essential to pack possessions with extra care. Safeguard breakables with wrapping materials designed to protect fragile goods, such as bubble wrap cushioning.
Next, pack items in clean, sturdy containers in a variety of sizes. Use large boxes for bulky yet lighter furnishings such as pillows and blankets, and place heavier objects in smaller boxes to avoid unnecessary strain. Seal boxes securely with a durable packaging tape.
Be sure to label boxes clearly, marking them on the sides of the boxes, not the top. This step makes it obvious what’s inside, even if they’re stacked. You also can use different colored or printed packaging tapes to color code each room. For instance, you could use red for the bedroom, and blue for the kitchen.
4. Have Help on Hand
There are many affordable moving companies that can make the transportation a smooth transition. Doing it yourself can be physically tough and expensive, so it’s easy to see how hiring a moving company is the right path.
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